Passions Recaps: The week of September 16, 2002 on PS

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Passions Recaps: The week of September 16, 2002 on PS
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the week of September 16, 2002
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September 9, 2002
Following Week
September 23, 2002

Monday, September 16, 2002

Hecuba reappeared in her old lair underneath the Crane mansion. She tried to talk the new evil doll, "Cracked Connie," into opening a vial. The vial would release a green smoke that would cast a spell on everyone at the party. The spell would show them what their lives "could have been." Tabitha called the open vial a disaster.

The first one to get a look into their life that might have been was Tabitha. Tabitha saw herself on the path of goodness instead of evil. It showed Tabitha as a nun. She was praying and singing the praises of the Lord. Tabitha was mortified.

Mrs. Wallace was hell-bent on embarrassing her daughter. She soiled herself at the party and ruined one of Julian's chairs. Beth swore that no matter what her mother did, she would end up with Luis. Mrs. Wallace told her daughter to dream on.

Sheridan had a heart-to-heart with Gwen. Sheridan told Gwen that she was jealous of Beth because she had been Luis' first love. She also told Gwen that in another life, Antonio had been her first love.

Ethan swore his undying love and loyalty to Gwen. He said he would not let anyone get between them. Gwen silently vowed that Theresa would not get her hands on Ethan again.

Simone told her parents that Chad was her whole life. She said that Chad was to her what tennis was to Whitney. Ethan managed to get Simone away from Chad for a while. Chad thanked his friend for the break. Ethan asked Chad why he had not told Simone the truth yet.

Eve remembered her past with Julian. She did not know why she had attended another Crane party. She said they were always bizarre. She was worried what might happen that night.

Tuesday, September 17, 2002

The green smoke began to cast its spell on the partygoers. Theresa saw herself as the maid at the Crane mansion. She had been working for Ethan and Gwen as the housekeeper, taking over for Pilar. She realized that she had never married. All of a sudden, Ethan had a heart attack. He told Theresa it was too late to call for help. He also said that he did not want her to call Gwen. He said all he wanted was her. He admitted that he loved her and had been in love with her for years.

Ivy found a letter that she had written to Sam years before. Her father had intercepted the letter and hidden it. Sam found her in the library, crying. He found the letter on the floor, and Ivy told Sam about her father. The green smoke took over. Both Sam and Ivy saw them happily married. She was the perfect wife and homemaker. Ethan was grown and a cop, like his father. They made a picture of the perfect family.

Sheridan saw her "what might have been." She was happily married to Antonio. They had a family. Luis and his wife Beth stopped over. The couples were happy in their relationships. Sheridan saw that Antonio and Luis were as close as brothers could be before she'd interfered.

Theresa's vision gave her hope. She was more determined than ever to hang on to Ethan. Theresa told Ethan about her vision. Ethan told Theresa he had seen a vision too. Their visions matched. Theresa told Ethan that something was trying to tell them that they belonged together. Ethan told Theresa that she was wrong. He went to find Gwen.

Chad finally got Whitney alone for a few minutes. The green smoke started to swirl around the couple.

Sheridan thought that her vision meant to leave Luis and stay with Antonio. Gwen tried to tell her that the idea might save Antonio, but it would destroy Luis.

Grace and Sam shared a passionate kiss.

Wednesday, September 18, 2002

Tabitha warned Hecuba and Cracked Connie about the spell that they'd unleashed. She reminded them that there was no way to contain it. They didn't seem to care as they watched the "fun" that was going on with the residents of Harmony.

The green smoke took its toll on Sam and Ivy as they shared a passionate kiss. Phyllis the maid walked in, and embarrassed, they ended the kiss. Ivy got angry with Phyllis, and Sam told her it was not the way it seemed. The poor maid apologized and left abruptly.

Ivy tried to tell Sam that they'd kissed because of all their past love and feelings that bubbled to the surface. Sam said no. He loved Grace. He was with Grace, and nothing was going to change that.

David told Grace that the annulment had hit a snag when he'd had to answer a question. He said that the annulment papers had asked how he felt about his spouse. He confessed that he still loved Grace.

Both Grace and David felt the effects of the green smoke. The spell worked on them. Grace saw herself in bed, making love to David. David saw it too. He told Grace to let her feelings for him out. They shared a kiss. Sam walked in on the kiss, with Ivy close behind him.

John and Charity read poetry together at the hospital. Charity had a premonition that scared her. She and John headed to the Crane party.

Kay let it slip to Simone that she was waiting for Ivy and David to wreck their parents' marriage. Simone was speechless when Kay said her mother needed to suffer the way she was suffering for Miguel.

The spell started to work on Kay and Miguel. They shared a vision of the two of them getting engaged. Kay and Miguel kissed, just as Charity and John walked into the party. Charity saw the kiss.

Whitney saw herself as a rich tennis star. She arrived at home from a match and found Simone and Chad married and raising a daughter. Chad told Whitney that the vision wouldn't happen. He was determined to tell Simone the truth that night.

Thursday, September 19, 2002

Sam went ballistic when he saw David kissing Grace. He punched David out and told him to "stay the hell away" from his wife. He also told David that he was "damn lucky" that Grace was around to protect him.

Ivy was delighted at the sight and felt for the first time that David was actually earning his pay for helping her break up Sam and Grace. Ivy was sure that Sam would not forgive Grace that time. Grace told Sam about her vision.

Simone saw Whitney and Chad together and went off on her sister. She said she could not believe how stupid she was for not seeing what was right in front of her face all the time. Simone told Whitney and Chad that she hated them. She then turned to Whitney and told her that she would hate her for the rest of her life.

Sheridan told Luis privately that she'd had a vision, and she felt that she was keeping him from his true love. Luis told Sheridan that she was his true love. Sheridan kept pointing out that Beth had been his first love. Luis told Sheridan that he loved her. He then got worried and turned everything around. He asked Sheridan if her feelings for him might have changed. Luis worried that maybe Sheridan wanted Antonio.

Ethan told Theresa he did not care about the vision of their undying love. He said to let go of her silly fantasy of the two of them getting back together. After Ethan left, Gwen walked in and warned Theresa off. Theresa turned on Gwen. Theresa said that Ethan was hers. He'd turned to her when he had been happy, and he had gone looking for her just then. She told Gwen that Ethan was lost to her. Theresa said that Gwen was just too stupid to realize it.

Phyllis the maid apologized for walking in on Ivy and Sam kissing. Grace overheard. She got angry with Sam for kissing Ivy and having the gall to get mad at her for kissing David.

Kay got annoyed when Charity showed up at the Cranes'. She saw Miguel and Kay kissing and said that it was just part of the evil that was surrounding them. Charity tried to understand, and Miguel apologized. Charity blamed what she had seen on the evil forces. She told everyone that the only way to combat the evil was to be totally honest with each other. Kay planned on telling Charity that she'd slept with Miguel, in the hopes of breaking them up.

Friday, September 20, 2002

Beth did her best to get Antonio to agree to marry Sheridan that night. She put the idea of a Vegas elopement in his head. Mrs. Wallace kept undermining Beth's handiwork by telling Antonio how disappointed his mother and the rest of his family would be if they were not at his wedding.

Both Beth and her mother had the same vision. Beth was an old, slovenly drunk. Her mother got to live to be 120 years old. Beth had to take care of her for all those years and never married.

Sheridan and Luis put aside all their doubts and pledged their undying love to each other.

Simone told Whitney she hated her and would hate her for the rest of her life. She took off in a car and crashed it into the side of one of the Crane garages. Kay, Miguel, Charity, and John heard the commotion. They rushed to the scene of the accident. That temporarily stopped Kay from telling Charity that she'd slept with Miguel.

Simone walked away from the wreck. She told Kay and the rest that she hated Chad and her sister. She said that she'd seen them in each other's arms. Both Charity and Kay told Simone that something strange had been happening to everyone. They all kept seeing strange visions that were not true.

Whitney then told Simone that she had seen herself happily married to Chad and raising a daughter. After, Simone raged at Kay for putting the stupid idea in her head that Whitney wanted Chad. Kay told her that it was true, but she was just too stupid to see it. Kay said for Simone to put herself and her sister in mortal danger and see which one Chad rescued first.

Sam and Grace admitted that they loved each other. Grace told Sam to apologize to David. They blamed evil for their fight and their unsettling visions that had made them kiss Ivy and David. They went to check on the kids. Ivy was satisfied that another wedge had been driven between Sam and Grace.

Mrs. Wallace saw Luis and Sheridan together. She set Antonio up to find them so the truth would be revealed and Beth would not have a chance to keep Luis. Antonio approached the couple kissing. He said that he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

Recaps for the week of September 23, 2002 (Following Week)


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