General Hospital Daily Recaps: Everything that happened on GH in 2021

General Hospital summaries from 2021
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January 4 to 8, 2021
Jason was furious when he learned that Carly had whisked Cyrus' mother to a safehouse to use as leverage against Cyrus. Carly assured Jason that Florence was safe and in Bobbie's care. Jordan refused to do Cyrus' bidding. Cyrus met Lesley Webber. Laura told Nikolas about his newfound uncles. Alexis offered Nikolas and Ava a warning about their relationship. Kevin was told that Ryan had suffered "locked-in syndrome," which had left Ryan fully aware but unable to move or communicate except for his eyes. Unbeknownst to anyone, Ryan smiled. Peter was stunned when Franco revealed that Drew's memories were returning. Liesl made contact with Dante to inform him that she was his new handler. Dante objected to working with Liesl, but she used Dr. Kirk's mind control technique to keep Dante in line. Dante noticed a heated exchange between Peter and Sam. Liesl shared a reunion with Britt. Portia confronted Taggert about breaking Trina's heart. Willow had dinner with Chase, and they shared a kiss. Sonny resurfaced.
January 11 to 15, 2021
Sonny received a helping hand from a stranger -- and Mike -- but a head injury left Sonny without any memory of his past. Phyllis Caulfield decided that Sonny's name was "Mike" when he read the inscription on his watch. Sonny was hired as a dishwasher. Tracy was pleased to learn that Ned had taken steps to adopt Leo. Olivia and Sam decided to join forces to get to the bottom of what happened on the night that Alexis had been found asleep behind the steering wheel of her car. T.J. took a swing at Brando when he confronted Brando about sleeping with Molly. Cyrus ordered Brando to find out where Jason had hidden Florence. Ava decided to take custody of Avery, but she promised that Carly would have a generous visitation schedule. Cyrus suggested that he and Jason team up before others filled the void left by Sonny, but Jason questioned Cyrus about the murder of one of the five crime families. Tracy advised Finn to keep the past buried. Willow confided to Sasha that she still had feelings for Chase.
January 18 to 22, 2021
"Mike" -- Sonny with amnesia -- foiled an armed robbery at Lenny's bar, but Lenny bristled when his new employee appeared to take over. Phyllis became concerned that "Mike" struggled with a mental illness. Nina confided to Curtis that she wasn't quite ready to give up the search for her child. Ava acted on a hunch and manipulated Josslyn into handing over Nelle's heart pendant necklace. Jax and Nina declared their love to each other. Olivia figured out why Tracy had framed Alexis for driving drunk, and she confronted both Ned and Alexis about their one-night stand. Valentin hired Martin to represent Alexis. Liz gave Jason a warning when she learned that Franco had asked Jason to kill him if the brain tumor reawakened Franco's homicidal side. Jason told Britt about his experience with Peter. Michael and Willow agreed that it was time to sign their annulment papers. Josslyn realized that her journal was missing, but Cameron and Trina decided not to taint Dev's memory by revealing that Dev had taken it. Cameron was accepted to Stanford University, but he asked Franco to wait to share the news. Maxie told Dante that she and Peter wanted to name their daughter after Lulu. Anna enlisted Kevin's help to review Dante's patient records from the WSB.
January 25 to 29, 2021
Sonny continued to suffer amnesia as Phyllis grew concerned that "Mike" might have bipolar disorder. Jason advised Carly that it was time for Sonny to be officially declared dead because it would send the restless mob families a strong message that Jason was in charge. Nina was horrified when she saw Sasha wearing the other half of Nina's heart pendant necklace during a live interview on national television. Avery admitted that the necklace was a special good luck charm that she had found in the woods near Sonny's cabin. The two halves of the pendants fit perfectly together, prompting Nina to look to Carly for answers. Nina realized that Nelle might have been her daughter. Britt confronted Peter about using her to access Franco's medical records for an explosive article in the Invader. Peter defended his actions, and he warned Britt to back off. Liesl programed Dante to protect Franco at any cost. Alexis grabbed a syringe filled with lidocaine to kill Franco, who was in the throes of a painful brain tumor attack, but instead, she accidentally stabbed Dante. Chase arrested Alexis for attempted murder. Jackie conceded to Finn that she had never ordered a DNA test to confirm that Chase was Gregory's son. Monica advised Tracy to leave town before Tracy's legal troubles caught up with her.
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February 1 to 5, 2021
Jackie tried to persuade Finn not to push to find out if Chase was his son, but Finn needed answers for Violet's sake. Jackie was intrigued when she was told that Bobbie was working for a private patient in Vermont. Martin had an opportunity to talk to his mother. Carly agreed to have a funeral for Sonny. Sonny remained unaware of his true identity. Anna discovered that Franco had been hearing Peter and Drew's voices in his head. Anna shared with Valentin that Franco might pose a danger to Peter and that Liesl was no longer in Steinmauer. Maxie began to question if she fell in love with Peter because he was a reminder of Nathan. Peter vowed that once he married Maxie, Nathan would be a distant memory. Nina ended things with Jax when she learned that he had kept the truth from her about Nelle because of Carly. Nina was shocked when she called The Tan-O and heard a familiar voice. Alexis attended a meeting, but she admitted that she wasn't certain that she could give up drinking. Dante woke up, and he received a visit from Liesl to remind him of his priorities. Michael asked Willow to move into the gatehouse. Nikolas proposed to Ava.
February 8 to 12, 2021
Peter confessed his crimes to Valentin. Britt was tightlipped when Anna questioned her about Liesl's whereabouts. Finn insisted on accompanying Anna on a trip out of town to gather information about Liesl. Franco underwent radiation therapy. Nina opened up to Ava about Nelle and about Nina's fear that the overdose that Madeline had given Nina during her pregnancy had impacted Nelle's development. Sonny, who remained unaware of his past, encouraged Phyllis to go to Port Charles to talk to Nina. At the request of Alex Marick's last will and testament, D. Marick sent an envelope to Peter.
February 15 to 19, 2021
Sonny continued to suffer from amnesia, but he had a dream about Carly. Lenny's bar was robbed and ransacked while "Mike" dropped off a drunk patron at a local motel. "Mike" was the prime suspect in a string of robberies, but Lenny and Phyllis stood up for their new helper. Friends and family gathered to say goodbye to Sonny. Nina overheard a revealing conversation about Nelle between Carly and Jax, prompting her to turn to Valentin for help to make Carly pay for not saving Nelle. Britt made an appointment with a specialist about the intermittent tremors in her hand. Brad was delighted to get a visit from Britt on Valentine's Day. Felix invited Lucas out for a drink after work. Portia agreed to help Curtis during an undercover assignment at a nightclub. Cyrus threatened to "terminate" Brando if Brando failed to locate Florence. Jason took aim at Brando when Brando turned to Jason for help. Jackie and Martin worked together to track down Bobbie. Molly caught Alexis taking a swig of vodka from a hidden bottle. Molly hoped to make Valentine's Day a memorable day for her and T.J. Willow had dinner with Chase, but she spent a lot of time talking about Michael. Josslyn found Cameron's acceptance letter from Stanford University. Franco's treatments had side effects.
February 22 to 26, 2021
Carly was relieved when the FBI closed the case into Nelle's death without charging Carly. Michael and Willow took Wiley to visit Nina. Carly warned Nina to tread with caution, or Nina might not see Wiley again. Curtis decided to switch careers by buying a nightclub. Valentin and Anna discussed how to deal with Peter. Britt gave her mother a helping hand while Liesl broke into Maxie's apartment to dig up dirt on Peter. Liesl found the unopened envelope sent by D. Marick to Peter. Ava and Nikolas agreed that Ryan had sent Ava the ominous Valentine's gift and note, prompting Ava to pay Ryan a visit to issue a warning of her own. When Franco began to lose hair from the treatments, Cameron shaved his head as a show of support for his stepfather. Liz was devastated to learn that Franco's tumor remained unchanged. Franco decided to move out. Jackie tracked down Florence, but Jason and Martin worked out an agreement to keep Florence away from Cyrus. Laura and Lesley gave Cyrus some unwelcome news. Jackie persuaded Finn not to pick up the results of the paternity test from the lab. Brad reached out to Lucas. T.J. and Molly legalized their domestic partnership.
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MARCH 2021
March 1 to 5, 2021
Peter was abducted on his way to the wedding then locked in a utility closet, but Dante saved the day when he heard Peter's cries for help. Liesl crashed the double wedding to vindicate herself and to play a video of Alex revealing that Alex -- not Anna -- was Peter's biological mother. Finn felt betrayed that Anna had shared her secrets with Valentin rather than with him. Gregory overheard Jackie make a revealing confession to Finn. Valentin revealed the truth about Peter's crimes -- including Drew Cain's death -- to Maxie. Mac and Britt rushed Maxie to the hospital when she began to experience painful cramps. Peter denied the accusations against him, but he returned to his hotel room to retrieve a gun. Michael regretted extending an olive branch to Nina when Nina took it upon herself to tell Wiley that Willow was not Wiley's "real" mother. Franco took drastic steps to safeguard his family. Franco asked Sam to pass along a message to Jason, but Sam mistakenly took it as a warning. Franco attacked Peter in the parking garage.
March 8 to 12, 2021
Franco abducted Peter then took his hostage to the art studio, where Franco forced a full confession from Peter. Peter managed to break loose and grab a gun. Franco was shot trying to wrestle the gun away from Peter, prompting Peter to quickly erase his confession from Franco's cell phone then flee the scene. Franco died in Liz's arms, and Jason was briefly detained for shooting Franco. Jason paid Peter a visit. Cameron enlisted Josslyn and Trina's help to slip into the morgue because he refused to believe that Franco was dead. Maxie's contractions were determined to be false labor induced by stress. Peter tried to persuade Maxie to take James and run away with him, but she informed Peter that the man she loved had never existed. Sonny pawned his jewelry for a seat in a high-stakes poker game to help Lenny and Phyllis save the Tan-O. After a heart-to-heart talk with Anna, Jackie decided that it was time to tell Chase the truth about her one-night stand with Finn on the eve of her wedding to Gregory -- and the paternity test.
March 15 to 19, 2021
Loved ones gathered to say goodbye to Franco. Cameron had a special visit from Zander Smith. Gladys paid Brando a visit at the hospital, and she revealed that she had been in town for several days. Jason was arrested for Franco's murder when Gladys claimed that she had seen Jason dispose of the murder weapon. Liesl gave Dante his final order to complete the mission and to claim that Dr. Kirk had instructed him to kill Peter. Dante lured Peter to Nathan's grave, but Sam intervened before Dante pulled the trigger. Brook Lynn returned to Port Charles with big news. Peter and Cyrus discussed their "mutually beneficial" arrangement. Valentin was stunned when Brook Lynn revealed that she was pregnant with his child. The paternity test revealed that Finn was Chase's father. Anna and Finn agreed that it was best to part ways because Anna couldn't promise not to lie again to protect him from the dangers of her work. Sonny confided to Florence that he had been gambling in the hopes of winning enough money to buy his rings back. Nina paid Phyllis a visit. Britt was frustrated when her appointment was rescheduled, because the tremors in her hand had grown worse. Alexis faced a difficult decision about her legal woes.
March 22 to 26, 2021
Nina made a shocking discovery when she paid Phyllis a visit at the Tan-O and met Sonny, who remained unaware of his true identity. Nina called Carly to let her know that Sonny was alive, but Carly refused to let Nina speak. Carly warned Nina not to take Michael to court for visitation with Wiley. Sonny believed that Nina was the woman from his dreams, and he was pleasantly surprised when she decided to stay in town for a few days. Cameron was furious when he learned that Jason had been arrested for Franco's murder. Trina encouraged Cameron to use his music to work through the grief of losing Franco. Trina made peace with Curtis, and she paid Taggert a visit. Curtis and Portia had a heart-to-heart talk. Brook Lynn assured Ned that she had a plan to deal with Valentin. Peter tried to crash Maxie's birthing class, so Britt advised Peter to stop stalking Maxie because it would push Maxie further away. Britt and Sam agreed that Maxie needed to be protected from Peter. Olivia was grateful that Sam had helped Dante. Cyrus warned Carly that the Corinthos organization's days were numbered. Laura surprised Martin with a private birthday celebration. Brando confided to Michael that Gladys was the witness against Jason.
March 29 to April 2, 2021
Unlikely alliances were formed as several people conspired to deal with the threat that Peter posed. Peter stepped up his campaign to woo Maxie back, but she and Britt secretly plotted to devise a plan that would keep Peter from being a part of his daughter's life. Liz was caught in the middle, as Jake defended his father, while Cameron accused Jason of killing Franco. Scott confronted Jason about Franco's murder. Liesl surprised Scott when she insisted that Peter -- not Jason -- was responsible for Franco's death. After a night of drinking, Scott and Liesl ended up in bed together. Jackie objected to working for a man like Peter, but he warned her that he intended to hold her to the two-year contract. Elijah met Nina, and he offered to show her around Nixon Falls. Elijah had someone dig up information on Nina. Phyllis suggested that Nina extend her stay to get to know "Mike." Trina and Josslyn were both accepted into Port Charles University, but Josslyn waited for her top pick to get back to her. Taggert was released into Jordan's custody. Curtis was stunned when he learned that Taggert had moved in with Jordan. Cyrus told Laura that Martin had helped Julian flee town after the bombing at the Floating Rib. Laura rescinded her invitation for Martin to spend Easter with her. Alexis pleaded guilty and was sentenced to serve time in Pentonville. Jason was denied bail.
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APRIL 2021
April 5 to 9, 2021
Before heading off to Pentonville to serve a three-year sentence, Alexis put her affairs in order, and she reflected on her past. Alexis recalled the vicious abuse that she had witnessed Mikkos inflict on her mother. After Cyrus threatened Alexis, Nikolas decided to track down Florence by using her love for hummingbird cake. Ava received a package that contained a sculpture of a man's hand and an ominous note that appeared to be from Ryan. Kevin was skeptical that his twin was capable of faking his catatonic state. Peter learned that Valentin had been spending time with Gladys, prompting him to confront Valentin and Anna. Valentin and Anna turned the tables on Peter by luring him into a trap. It was revealed that Brook Lynn was faking her pregnancy. Maxie and Britt laid the foundation for their plan to cut Peter out of his daughter's life. Michael and Sasha agreed to call it quits because Michael had feelings for Willow. Chase invited Gregory, Jackie, and Finn to dinner because he hoped to find a way for their family to move forward. Peter arranged for a waiter to drug Finn's coffee, but the plan went awry. Sonny remained unaware of his true identity as he turned up the charm to woo Nina. Josslyn confided to Jax that she had been waitlisted. Laura received a flower delivery from Spencer.
April 12 to 16, 2021
After Michael and Willow admitted their feelings for each other, they reconnected as lovers. Michael and Willow decided that Michael and Wiley would move into the gatehouse with Willow. Willow tried to tell Chase about her decision, but he fell victim to Peter's plot against Finn. Chase was rushed to the hospital with what appeared to be a flu-like illness, but his condition declined when he lost all feeling in his extremities. Brando shared his secrets with Sasha, and the two made love. Jax called Nina, but Phyllis intervened when she took the phone from Nina and insisted that Jax give Nina space. Anna and Valentin were forced to change their plans for Peter when they learned about Chase's illness. Anna met Cyrus. Ava urged Nikolas to stop searching for Cyrus' mother. Nikolas' private investigator found Florence. Alexis' new life in Pentonville got off to a rocky start. Josslyn admitted to Carly that she had been waitlisted at her first choice college. Jordan was crushed when Curtis told her that he wanted a divorce. Portia and Taggert talked about the past -- and Curtis. "Mike" told Nina that he didn't want to learn about his life prior to his memory loss because he was happy in Nixon Falls. Ned made plans to win Olivia back.
April 19 to 23, 2021
Finn cut Anna out of his life when she revealed that Peter had poisoned Chase. A heartbroken Anna gave Finn the remnants of a smashed vial that Peter had claimed had contained the antidote for the serum that Chase had ingested. Michael and Willow agreed that it wasn't the right time to tell Chase about their reconciliation. Laura was disappointed that Nikolas had foolishly played into Cyrus' hands by tracking down and retrieving Florence. Worried that Cyrus would gain the upper hand in the balance of power, Carly enlisted Shawn Butler's help to get Jason out of Pentonville. After Shawn stabbed Jason, Jason was rushed to the hospital for treatment. Shawn confronted Jordan about the secrets that she had kept. Molly told T.J. that she aspired to be a district attorney, but he was not happy. After a 17-year-old boy died of an overdose, Britt found evidence that Cyrus' drug had been responsible. Jax flew to Nixon Falls to talk to Nina. "Mike" and Elijah clashed as each vied for Nina's attention during an annual community dance. Two gunmen attempted to rob people at the dance, but "Mike" and Jax each intervened. Jax was shot in a struggle with a gunman. Before falling unconscious, Jax caught a glimpse of Sonny. Olivia overheard Maxie make a startling confession at Nathan's graveside. Alexis received unexpected help from Cyrus' henchwoman.
April 26 to 30, 2021
As Jax recovered from his gunshot wound, Nina was careful to keep "Mike" and Jax apart. Jax recalled seeing Sonny, but Nina managed to explain it away as a figment of his imagination induced by the trauma of getting shot. Josslyn and Trina drove to Nixon Falls to pick up Jax. Trina told Josslyn about Dev's attempt to drive Cameron and Josslyn apart. Cameron confronted Jason about Franco's murder. Elizabeth admitted to having doubts about Jason's guilt. Ava made Carly an offer when Cyrus made a veiled threat against Avery. Ava, Carly, and Laura joined forces against Cyrus. Carly enlisted Britt's help to keep Jason from returning to Pentonville. Scott managed to impress Liesl during an altercation with Peter. Britt cautioned Liesl to lay low for a few days, prompting Liesl to go home with Scott. Anna told Maxie about Peter's demand for Anna to facilitate a visit with Maxie in exchange for the antidote to treat the toxin that had been used to poison Chase. Chase suffered a seizure that had unexpected results. Willow and Michael decided to keep their relationship under wraps until Chase recovered. After Brook Lynn learned about Maxie's plan to hide the baby from Peter, Brook Lynn confessed her secret to Maxie then suggested that they help each other. Alexis reunited with Shawn. Sam and Dante agreed to help each other.
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MAY 2021
May 3 to 7, 2021
Jax returned to Port Charles with Josslyn and Trina, while Nina remained in Nixon Falls, looking for apartments. "Mike" overheard one of the gunmen from the dance blackmail Elijah. Cyrus ordered his henchmen to kill Britt by making it look like an overdose. Jason saved Britt from certain death, but he was shot as the two fled the hospital with Brick's help. Cameron was briefly detained for the shooting until surveillance footage established that the shot that had hit Jason had been fired from behind Cameron. Britt saved Jason's life when she removed the bullet then used Carly's blood for a transfusion. Mac offered Dante a job, but Dante only agreed to help track down Jason. Carly foiled Cyrus' plans by sabotaging one of his shipments then attending the meeting of the Five Families to announce that she was the new head of the Corinthos criminal organization. Willow and Michael agreed to put their relationship on hold until Chase was better. Both Cameron and Liz learned the truth about Peter's role in Franco's murder. Portia questioned Curtis' decision to file for divorce, since he still wore his wedding ring, prompting Curtis to remove it. Maxie and Brook Lynn's plan hit a snag when they were unable to reach Britt. After learning the name of the nurse that Maxie had chosen to help her, Peter reached out to a contact.
May 10 to 14, 2021
Sasha confided to Lucy that she was pregnant. Gladys overheard Sasha on the phone, requesting a prescription for morning sickness, then jumped to the conclusion that Cyrus was the father rather than Brando. Britt shared her secrets with Jason. Dante was reinstated as a detective at the Port Charles Police Department. Sam caught up with Jason and Britt, but Dante was hot on her heels. Nina agreed to go on a date with Elijah, but she had an ulterior motive. "Mike" broke into Elijah's office, but he was forced to improvise when he accidentally set off the alarms. Nina found information on Elijah's computer, but Elijah caught her snooping. Alexis offered to help Shawn with his parole hearing, but he revealed that he was not guilty of the crime that he'd been convicted of. Nikolas decided to safeguard Alexis by buying Pentonville. Josslyn opted to attend Port Charles University and to get an apartment with Trina. Jordan and Portia discussed how differently things might have gone in the parking garage if one of their children had been confronted by the police instead of Cameron. Diane offered Carly advice. Maxie hired a nurse to help her, not realizing that Chloe had agreed to report to Peter. Dr. Navarro advised Maxie to have her labor induced immediately. Valentin announced that he and Charlotte would move in with Brook Lynn. Anna was forced to turn to Peter for help when Chase suffered another setback.
May 17 to 21, 2021
Anna received the devastating news that Sean Donely had passed away. Sean's friends and family gathered in Ireland to say goodbye. Anna and Felicia repaired their friendship. Mourners worked together to help Annie Donely achieve a special dream. Maxie made plans to keep Chloe distracted while Maxie slipped away to have her baby in Beechers Corners. Bobbie agreed to help Maxie. Brook Lynn was surprised when Monica sided with Valentin about moving in until the baby was born. Finn objected when Chase insisted on checking out of the hospital, but Michael offered a compromise by inviting Chase to move into the mansion. Michael and Willow agreed to keep their relationship secret until Chase was strong enough to be told the truth. Brando confronted Sasha about the pregnancy, and she confirmed that he was the father of her baby. To protect Brando, Sasha told Cyrus that she'd gotten pregnant during a one-night stand when she and Michael had broken up. Carly offered Gladys and Brando a way to neutralize Cyrus as a threat. T.J. was surprised when Shawn announced plans to attend a parole hearing. Jason persuaded Britt to visit a clinic in Canada to get some answers about her hand tremors. Nina found evidence on Elijah's computer that sent her and "Mike" on a trip to Corinth, looking for answers.
May 24 to 28, 2021
Britt learned that she had the genetic marker for Huntington's disease. Britt leaned on Jason, and despair soon turned to passion as Britt found comfort in Jason's arms. Cyrus lured Brando into a trap by using Gladys as bait. Brando and Gladys were rescued, but Gladys was wounded in the crossfire. Jason returned to Port Charles in time to foil Cyrus' attempt to exchange Spinelli for Gladys. Cyrus was shot in the shoulder. Dante arrested Jason. Nurse Chloe drugged and abducted Maxie, but Maxie managed to escape Chloe's clutches. Maxie went into labor, and she received a helping hand from a doctor hiking through the woods. After Louise was born, Maxie was forced to flee from a crazed Chloe, who had managed to find Maxie. Chase moved into the Quartermaine mansion, but he soon suffered a setback. Valentin reached out to Anna when he noticed a packed bag hidden in Peter's hotel room. Peter ended up at the bottom of a stairwell with blood pooling around his head. Brook Lynn raced to Maxie's side when Maxie called for assistance. Elijah turned violent when he confronted Nina about snooping through his files. "Mike" tracked Elijah and Nina down in the nick of time. After Elijah was arrested, "Mike" and Nina shared a kiss. Portia went to kiss Curtis, but he rebuffed her advances and apologized for sending her mixed signals. Portia returned home and found a wounded Cyrus waiting for her.
May 31 to June 4, 2021
Gladys retracted her statement about seeing Jason dispose of the murder weapon used to kill Franco. Gladys revealed that she had witnessed Peter toss the incriminating gun away. Jason reached out to Liesl to let her know where Britt was hiding. Britt shared news with her mother. After Maxie handed Louise off to Brook Lynn, Maxie returned to Port Charles, and she claimed that Chloe had kidnapped Louise. Maxie confronted Peter about his lies and his numerous crimes. Peter made plans to escape, but Finn caught up with Peter on the hospital's rooftop. Finn snapped when Peter destroyed a vial of lifesaving serum. In a fit of rage, Finn shoved Peter down a flight of stairs. Liz persuaded Finn to leave Peter's dead body in the stairwell for someone else to find. Chase returned to the hospital when he suffered a setback. Brook Lynn introduced Valentin to the baby she named Bailey Lois Quartermaine. Portia treated Cyrus' gunshot wound, but Curtis and Laura foiled his escape. Cyrus felt the walls closing in when he was forced to trade his hostages for Laura. Laura urged Cyrus to surrender to Jordan, unaware that Curtis had gone behind Jordan's back to slip into Portia's house. Shots rang out, and both Cyrus and Curtis were hit. Dr. Austin turned up at General Hospital.
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JUNE 2021
June 7 to 11, 2021
Brook Lynn and Maxie continued with their ruse that Louise was Brook Lynn's daughter. Jax blackmailed Michael by threatening to tell Chase about Michael and Willow's romantic tryst in the gatehouse unless Michael agreed to let Nina have a relationship with Wiley. Nina promised "Mike" that she would return to Nixon Falls. Nina was shocked when Valentin introduced his newborn daughter, "Bailey." Lenny collapsed in the bar, prompting him to tell Phyllis that he had recently been diagnosed with heart trouble. Gladys was not pleased when she noticed the closeness between Brando and Sasha. Finn devised a treatment using both his and Jackie's DNA to help Chase, but the experiment failed when Chase rapidly declined. Chase proposed marriage to Willow. Carly reunited Martin with his mother. Cyrus learned that he was headed to a federal prison instead of Pentonville. After receiving another threat, Nikolas and Ava reached out to the police. Dante suggested that the stalker's target might be Nikolas. Nikolas told Alexis that he had lost the bid to buy Pentonville. Nikolas made certain that Shawn was denied parole. Anna continued her search for Peter. Curtis regained consciousness. Stella warned Portia that Curtis was on the rebound. Jordan revealed that she hadn't had a chance to sign the divorce papers.
June 14 to 18, 2021
It was revealed that Finn and Liz had stashed Peter's body in a freezer that was hidden in Helena Cassadine's abandoned laboratory under General Hospital. Chase and Willow were married. After an encounter with Cyrus, Finn realized that Cyrus might have altered Chase's paternity test. Finn developed a new serum using Gregory's DNA, but Chase flatlined before it could be administered. Jordan told Cyrus that she and Taggert had been given immunity in exchange for testifying to the crimes they had committed under Cyrus' orders. Cyrus was taken to a federal prison in the Midwest. Jordan offered to resign as police commissioner, but Laura refused to let Jordan quit. Anna turned to Valentin for help when she learned that a helicopter had been circling above the hospital around the time of Peter's disappearance. Maxie was desperate to see Louise, but Brook Lynn urged Maxie to keep her distance in case Peter remained close. Dr. Austin helped Dante search an area near the cabin where Maxie had been held that had not been shown on Dante's map of the area. Dante found Chloe's body. Brick warned Jason and Carly that they faced a serious threat from a rival crime family. Curtis opened up to Nina about his feelings for Portia. Stella was not pleased to learn that T.J. had been visiting Shawn. Stella returned to London, but not for long. Cameron decided to attend Port Charles University.
June 21 to 25, 2021
Monica Quartermaine was chosen to replace Cyrus on the hospital's board. Terry threw her hat into the ring for chief of staff. Jason and Carly had a heart-to-heart talk about where they stood with each other. Elizabeth apologized to Jason. Jason and Carly received word that a pier had been taken out in an explosion. Chase learned that his paternity test had been altered and that Gregory was his biological father. Chase recovered from the poisoning, but his legs were left paralyzed. Finn suggested that Chase's condition might be temporary, but time would tell. Valentin agreed to help Anna track down Peter and Louise. Maxie paid her infant daughter a visit, but Brook Lynn urged Maxie to keep her distance from the Quartermaine mansion because Peter might figure out that Bailey was really Louise. Pentonville's warden revoked Shawn's library privileges. After an altercation with a guard, Alexis was thrown into solitary confinement. Ava was shaken when Avery found a stuffed bear that played a recording of an ominous message. Ava asked Carly to safeguard Avery until the danger had passed. Nikolas was shocked when Ava broke things off with him for the sake of Avery's safety.
June 28 to July 2, 2021
Jason caught one of the Novak mobsters threatening Spinelli. Jason and Carly decided that marriage was the best way to show a united front to other crime families. Britt was crushed when Jason told her about his engagement. Britt paid Brad Cooper a visit to cry on his shoulder. Britt ran into Jax at Charlie's Pub. Liesl was pleasantly surprised when Scott invited her to Cameron's graduation party. Josslyn kissed Cameron. Nikolas was determined to fight for his marriage at any cost, so he set a trap for the stalker. Trina, rather than the mystery person who had broken into Ava's gallery, was caught in Nikolas' web. Trina made a shocking entrance at her graduation party. Anna learned that Chloe's real name had been Marie Hopkins, and Marie's brother was a helicopter pilot. Sparks flew when Valentin and Anna found themselves stranded together during a rainstorm. Anna discovered an old photo of Austin with his father, whom Anna recognized. Gladys tried to push Sasha's buttons, but Sasha didn't take the bait. Nina learned that Sasha was pregnant. Finn's guilty conscience nearly got the better of him, but Liz reminded him of Violet, and she insisted that the world was better off with Peter dead.
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JULY 2021
July 5 to 9, 2021
Sparks flew on the Fourth of July for several couples. Shawn talked Alexis through a panic attack as solitary confinement began to take a toll on her mental well-being. Jordan and Martin helped Molly set a trap for Judge Carson. Jordan used the evidence against the judge to have Shawn and Alexis transferred out of Pentonville. Curtis questioned why Jordan had not signed the divorce papers. Stella's meddling caught up with her when Curtis realized that his aunt had been talking to Portia. Jason and Carly made their engagement official. Britt tried to mend her broken heart by sleeping with Jax. After learning about Jason's engagement to Carly, Liz and Sam got drunk on the piers then burned a few things that Jason had given to Sam. A concerned Monica offered Brook Lynn some advice about "Bailey" when Monica noticed Maxie's attachment to the infant. Cameron and Josslyn admitted that they had romantic feelings for each other. Trina unwittingly had an encounter with the mysterious intruder from the Jerome Gallery. The young man introduced himself as "Victor," and he claimed to be an employee of the Savoy. "Victor" was revealed to be Spencer Cassadine.
July 12 to 16, 2021
Dr. Austin was revealed to be the son of Jimmy Lee Holt and Charity Gatlin. Austin informed the Quartermaine family that Jimmy Lee had passed away six months earlier and that Austin intended to contest his grandfather's will. Maxie decided to take Georgie and James to Texas for a while, but she confided the truth about Louise to Nina. Nina had a heart-to-heart talk with Brook Lynn about Louise -- and lying to Valentin. Several Port Charles residents spent time at the new Metro Court pool. Carly had a tense exchange with Joey Novak until Brando interceded. Sasha told Brando that she welcomed him to be a part of their child's life, but not if he was a part of the mob. Nikolas was surprised when Spencer arrived at Wyndemere. Lenny learned that he had advanced pancreatic cancer. Valentin pushed Anna to admit that there was something growing between them. Valentin had an enlightening encounter with Phyllis. "Mike" called Nina to ask her to return to Nixon Falls. Spinelli told Jason that he and Ellie had decided to part ways. Dante and Sam agreed to put the kiss they had shared behind them, but neither was able to stop thinking about it. Sam talked to Jason about his engagement to Carly. Jason overheard Britt make a revealing admission. T.J., Shawn, and Jordan sat down for a family talk. Curtis asked Portia to give their relationship a chance, but she was hesitant to take a leap of faith.
July 19 to 23, 2021
Trina was the first to learn that Josslyn and Cameron were dating. Trina learned that "Victor" was really Spencer Cassadine, but she agreed to keep Spencer's secrets, provided that he never lied to her again. Stella urged Jordan not to give up on Curtis. Jordan attended the Savoy's opening night in time to see Curtis share a passionate kiss with Portia. Portia told Curtis that she was ready to take a leap of faith with him. Shawn's sentence was commuted by the governor, and Alexis was assigned to a prison with an excellent reputation -- and a familiar face. Brando and Sasha had a heart-to-heart talk about their expectations moving forward. Gladys was not pleased to learn that Brando intended to stay away from the mob for the sake of Sasha and their unborn child. Anna and Valentin questioned the pilot who had been hired by Peter. The pilot revealed that he had last seen Peter with a dark-haired man on the hospital's rooftop. Monica and Jason talked about A.J. Jason overheard a revealing conversation in the park when Liz suggested to Finn that they turn to Jason for help. Maxie took Georgie and James to Texas. Nina returned to Nixon Falls when "Mike" called her about Lenny's devastating diagnosis. Olivia sensed that Dante's relationship with Sam extended beyond friendship. Chase made an important step in his recovery.
July 26 to 30, 2021
Finn told Anna about his final confrontation with Peter but left Liz's name out of the tale. Finn took Anna to the freezer in the hospital's basement, but it was empty. Anna covered for Peter when the police arrived to search for Peter. Liz confided to Jason that Peter was dead, and she asked for Jason's help getting rid of the body. Jason agreed, but he found an empty freezer when he went to retrieve Peter's body. Anna filled Valentin in on what she had uncovered about Peter's fate. In Nixon Falls, Nina enjoyed a bittersweet reunion with "Mike," Phyllis, and Lenny. Monica surprised Terry and Britt by announcing that both doctors would be co-chiefs of staff. Shawn enlisted Sam's help to get to the bottom of Hayden's shooting and disappearance. After Jordan signed the divorce papers and sealed them in an envelope, Stella covertly snatched the envelope from Jordan's desk. Portia told Trina about her new relationship with Curtis, but Curtis urged Portia to fill Trina in about their romantic past. Josslyn and Spencer continued to lock horns. Nikolas learned that Ryan was locked up in the same facility with Alexis. Carly walked in on a close moment between Michael and Willow. Austin saw Chase stand up then take a step. Gladys blamed Sasha when Brando announced that it was time for Gladys to move out -- and get a job.
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August 2 to 6, 2021
Joey Novak approached Josslyn to give her a message for Jason and Carly. A furious Jax confronted Carly about their daughter's safety. Monica gave Carly her blessing to marry Jason. Trina was devastated when she overheard a revealing conversation between Portia and Stella about Portia's past with Curtis. Stella suffered a stroke, but Cameron's quick thinking saved the day. "Mike" and Nina grew closer, but Nina's secret was nearly exposed when she received a video call from Wiley. Harmony shocked Willow by showing up for Wiley's birthday party. Alexis questioned Harmony -- Ryan's caretaker -- about her patient's treatment. Alexis learned that Ryan communicated by blinking his eyes and that Harmony had written letters dictated by Ryan using his eyes. Nikolas and Alexis discovered an envelope among Ryan's mail addressed to "S. Cassadine." Laura was surprised to learn that Spencer resented Kevin for not turning Ryan over to the authorities as soon as Kevin had learned that his twin was alive. Laura told Dante that Lulu's condition had not improved and that she didn't expect him to wait for Lulu. Michael and Willow succumbed to temptation and made love, but the lovebirds were unaware that Chase had entered the gatehouse with Austin. Chase decided not to confront Willow while he plotted his next move. Thanks to Sasha, Gladys landed a job as Brook Lynn's assistant. Terri extended an olive branch to Britt. Hayden's mother, Naomi, moved to Port Charles to reconnect with Violet.
August 9 to 13, 2021
Jax's concern for Josslyn's safety continued to mount, and he warned Jason that he was done "co-parenting with the mob." Carly had a special visit from Sonny, and she opened up to him about moving on with Jason. Lenny returned home to await the results of his biopsy, but he passed away peacefully watching the sunset outside the Tan-O. "Mike" and Nina grew closer as they vowed to live in the moment. After a talk with Naomi about Hayden, Sam realized that Naomi had intentionally misspoken Hayden's middle name. Naomi confronted a mysterious stranger about ending their association. Shawn and Sam found Naomi dead in her hotel room. Nikolas caught Spencer in a lie that led Nikolas to believe that Spencer was Ava's stalker. Josslyn offered Trina some advice about Spencer. Spencer decided to throw a party at Wyndemere. Ned warned the family that Tracy had reason to believe that, shortly before his death, Edward had intended to amend his will to include Jimmy Lee. Austin persuaded Chase to settle the score with Michael by helping Austin find proof that Austin was a rightful Quartermaine heir. Willow told Michael that she intended to tell Chase the truth as soon as Chase was able to take a few steps.
August 16 to 20, 2021
Sam was stunned when she received a call from someone she believed was Drew pleading for help. Drew was revealed to be alive and a captive in an unknown location. Carly was furious when she caught Jax trying to record her saying something incriminating, but Jax refused to apologize for wanting to safeguard their daughter from Carly's choices. After a tense meeting with the Five Families, Jason and Carly decided to set a wedding date. Spencer's party took an ominous turn when he was confronted by a masked person who was later revealed to be Nikolas. Nikolas had hoped to give Spencer a taste of his own medicine for stalking Ava. Spencer's secrets remained buried when his girlfriend set fire to Ava's car while Spencer was on Spoon Island. Trina was crushed when Spencer introduced her to Esme Prince. Laura objected to Esme moving in with Spencer. Ava was shaken when Kiki's hospital badge was found near Ava's burned-out car. Britt tried to mend fences by apologizing to Epiphany and buying the nurses a round of drinks at the Savoy. Nina was shocked when Maxie showed up in Nixon Falls. Chase found the evidence of Edward's intention to include Jimmy Lee in his will. Brook Lynn caught Chase walking without assistance.
August 23 to 27, 2021
Jason and Carly nearly shared a kiss when they reminisced about their early days. Maxie stopped by Nixon Falls to visit Nina, but she was unaware that Peter was close behind. Peter was stunned when he ran into "Mike." Peter used Nina's secret to his advantage by threatening to expose Sonny's whereabouts unless Nina helped Peter find Louise. "Mike" confided to Phyllis that he suspected "Peter Sinclair" knew him. Nina called Liesl for help dealing with Peter. Maxie told Jax that Nina had found someone new. Willow admitted the truth to Chase about her feelings for Michael, and Chase revealed that he could walk. Willow returned her wedding ring and asked for an annulment. Chase took the high road by giving Michael the proof that Austin needed to secure a portion of Edward's legacy. Austin was surprised when Michael opted to give Austin the incriminating document. Drew enlisted the help of a fellow prisoner -- the real nurse Chloe. Spencer took Esme to visit Alexis. Esme slipped away to visit with Ryan. Harmony warned Alexis that Esme was trouble. Nikolas was saddened when Ava made plans to go to Europe until her stalker was found. Britt and Terry found some common ground at work when Liz tried to get approval for time off from Terry after Britt denied it.
August 30 to September 3, 2021
Sasha had reservations about moving forward with Brando when she overheard him offer to give Carly a helping hand. Brando made a surprise appearance at Carly's bachelorette party. Jason bumped into Sam at his bachelor party. Joey Novak crashed Jason's party in an effort to provoke Jason. Cyrus conspired with Mr. Buscema to make a move against Jason and Carly. Jordan warned Jason that Cyrus was up to his old tricks. Sam made an interesting discovery when she looked over the WSB file on Drew's plane crash. Scott and Liesl encountered trouble during their flight to St. Lucia. Jordan agreed to help Shawn investigate Hayden's shooting. Finn and Liz were shocked during their family camping trip when Scott appeared to fall out of the sky. Liesl was kidnapped. Victor Cassadine resurfaced. Trina helped Josslyn prepare a special dinner for Jax. Josslyn recognized the special sauce that Trina had picked up in Nixon Falls. Jax had a vague recollection of seeing Sonny in Nixon Falls, prompting him to question Ava about Nina's new relationship. "Mike" told Nina that he was in love with her. Esme helped Spencer and Nikolas find some common ground.
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September 6 to 10, 2021
The heads of the Five Families plotted against Jason and Carly. Jason and Carly had an honest conversation about their expectations as husband and wife. Jax was stunned to discover that Sonny was living as "Mike" in Nixon Falls. Nina defended her decision to keep quiet about Sonny. Jax pointed out that she was lying to "Mike," and Sonny's loved ones were grieving for a man who wasn't dead. "Mike" claimed that he had no interest in learning about his past because nothing could be better than his future with Nina. Peter returned to Nixon Falls. Portia accompanied Curtis to meet a man named Roger Barstow, who had once worked at Crichton-Clark. Jordan was surprised to bump into Curtis and Portia at a suspect's house. Jordan and Portia found themselves trapped in a basement with a dead man and a pipe leaking gas. Trina confronted Esme with her suspicions, but Spencer defended his girlfriend. Ava obtained a restraining order against Nikolas. Nikolas tangled with Ava's new bodyguards. Gladys learned that Brando had a side job stripping. Austin encouraged Ned to talk to Olivia about getting Leo tested.
September 13 to 17, 2021
Jordan was diagnosed with renal failure, and she decided to seek treatment at a specialty clinic in Albany. Nina was stunned when Peter returned to the Tan-O with vengeance on his mind. Peter held Nina and Phyllis hostage, told Phyllis the truth about who "Mike" really was, and then set fire to the bar with his hostages trapped inside. "Mike" and Jax managed to rescue the ladies, but "Mike" was struck by a beam and trapped inside the inferno. Sonny had a visit from his father, who revealed that Sonny could die as "Mike" or live as Sonny. Sonny had a vision of Carly, and he chose to live. Nina reunited with "Mike," only to be confronted by Sonny. At All Saints Church, family and friends gathered for Jason and Carly's wedding. A car bomb detonated outside All Saints Church. Olivia bristled when Ned broached the subject of making an appointment for Leo to see a specialist to help improve Leo's communication skills. Maxie asked Spinelli to save a dance for her. Drew helped Chloe escape from where they were being held captive. Drew realized the guards were mercenaries, so he offered the head guard a large sum of money to help Drew get back home. Dante and Sam got a helping hand from Harmony.
September 20 to 24, 2021
Novak and Buscema were killed in a car explosion outside All Saints Church. Moments after Jason and Carly declared their love for each other, their wedding night took an unexpected turn when Sonny returned home. Carly and Jason were overjoyed to welcome Sonny home, but they had to break the news that they had gotten married. Jason told Britt that his marriage to Carly had not been legal because Sonny had been alive. Jason and Carly discussed how to move forward. Sonny had a heated confrontation with Nina. Nina warned Maxie that Peter was back. Maxie shared with Britt and Scott that Peter might have been responsible for Liesl's disappearance. Peter managed to escape from Valentin and Anna by leaping from an overlook into a river. Anna learned that Chloe had surfaced in Crete. Spencer and Esme moved into Wyndemere with Nikolas. Trina figured out that Esme and Spencer had been in cahoots, so Trina enlisted Josslyn and Cameron's help to set a trap for Ava's stalkers. Ava put Kristina in charge of Charlie's Pub until it was sold. Chase made peace with Michael and Willow. Chase invited Brook Lynn out for a beer. Michael and Willow decided to take the next step by moving into the gatehouse together.
September 27 to October 1, 2021
Liesl was shocked to discover that Victor and Peter were in cahoots. Liesl was shipped off to Victor's secret prison, where she had an encounter with Drew. Drew and Liesl formed an alliance. Valentin and Anna paid Chloe a visit in Crete, but Chloe had been admitted to the hospital and sedated. Chloe's doctor reported back to Victor. Bolstered by liquid courage, Valentin told Anna how he felt about her, and she, in return, admitted that she was drawn to him. Valentin and Anna shared a kiss. Sonny blasted Nina for lying to him. A furious Carly confronted Nina about keeping Sonny from his family for nine months, but Nina pushed back because Carly had not been without blame. Nikolas realized that Ava's solution to end their marriage and move to London was their best option until the stalker was caught. Josslyn, Trina, and Cameron set a trap for Spencer and Esme by claiming that Nikolas and Ava had planned to run off to Bora Bora. Esme lied to Sonny by claiming that she had overheard Nikolas and Ava plotting to spirit Avery away. Trina and Cameron were forced to admit the truth when Sonny nearly had Nikolas dragged away. Spencer confessed the truth about his role in Ava's stalking. Alexis and Shawn realized there was a link between the investigation into Hayden Barnes's disappearance and Sam's search for Drew. Ned confided to Brook Lynn that Austin suspected that Leo might be on the autism spectrum.
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October 4 to 8, 2021
Robert and Anna joined forces. Victor kidnapped Valentin to ask for assistance dealing with Peter. Valentin was stunned when Victor revealed that he was Valentin's father. Peter used a failsafe that Faison had set in Drew's subconscious to control Drew's mind. Drew was shot when he exchanged gunfire with Robert and Anna. Sam told Dante that finding Drew was all about Scout. Dante and Sam agreed to move forward with their romance. Chase persuaded Brook Lynn to hear what Austin had to say about Austin's concerns for Leo. Austin inspired Maxie to reevaluate her friendship with Brook Lynn. Michael and Willow confronted Nina when they learned the truth about her lies. Phyllis paid Sonny a visit. Sonny and Carly reconnected as lovers. Carly asked if Britt was ready for an honest conversation. Nikolas and Ava reunited. A disappointed Nikolas threw Spencer out of Wyndemere and cut his son off financially. Esme made an appeal to Cameron. Josslyn had words with Nina.
October 11 to 15, 2021
Austin was suspended from the hospital, pending an investigation, when Brook Lynn complained that he had violated HIPAA laws by discussing the possibility that Leo was on the autism spectrum with her. Brook Lynn offered to drop her complaint in exchange for Austin dropping his lawsuit, but Austin declined. Sonny set some ground rules for Nina. Ava urged Nina not to give up on Sonny. Jason was honest when Sonny questioned him about Jason and Carly's wedding night and their commitment to their marriage. Sonny and Carly had a heart-to-heart talk. Nikolas was shocked that Ava had had Spencer arrested, but he supported her decision. Ava offered Spencer a way out of his legal troubles -- with conditions. Esme breathed a sigh of relief that Spencer had not named her as his accomplice. Esme was delighted to be hired to work at Spring Ridge. Shawn gave Alexis an update on his investigation, and he offered to drop it. Alexis admitted that Shawn deserved justice, even if it implicated Nikolas in Hayden's shooting. Scott persuaded Britt to reach out to Jason for help in finding Liesl. Drew and Liesl realized that Peter might have found a way to control Drew's mind. Dante and Sam caught up with Anna and Robert in Greece. Robert uncovered that Victor Cassadine was alive -- and Peter's ally.
October 18 to 22, 2021
Peter shot Valentin as the WSB descended on Victor's compound. Valentin was airlifted to a nearby consulate for treatment. Peter made it appear that Drew had been shot and drowned during the shootout, but Drew swam to safety. Under Peter's control, Drew helped Peter abduct Liesl and flee the compound. After Anna called Britt with an update on Liesl, Jason and Britt flew to Greece. Dante took Victor into custody, and Victor offered to help the WSB capture Peter in exchange for blanket immunity. Ava extended Spencer an olive branch to avoid jail, but he turned her down. Spencer was furious that Nikolas had put Ava in charge of Spencer's trust fund. Spencer pleaded not guilty at his arraignment. Kevin posted bail for Spencer. Kevin advised Spencer to get a job. Sonny and Nina each offered to buy Charlie's Pub for Phyllis. Willow was disappointed that Michael had taken steps to have Nina pay for her crimes when Nina had kept Sonny from his family. Nina was arrested. After a talk with Monica, Austin decided to drop his lawsuit against the Quartermaines, but he warned Brook Lynn that it was far from over. Olivia informed Ned that she wanted a divorce. Liz and Finn made plans for a date. Liz was not pleased when Terry revealed that Jeff Webber had reached out to her because Liz hadn't returned any of his phone calls. An older Black man spied on Curtis and Portia.
October 25 to 29, 2021
Cyrus Renault reached out from prison to warn Sonny that a new threat lurked on the horizon. Nina was released on bail and permitted to return to Port Charles until her trial. Nina persuaded Ava to sell Charlie's Pub to Sonny. Alexis confronted Nikolas about hiring a hit man to kill Hayden, but Nikolas urged Alexis to drop the investigation in exchange for her freedom. Ava learned that Nikolas had known that Victor was alive. Spencer took a job at Kelly's. Shawn told Spencer about Nikolas' role in Hayden's shooting. Michael proposed marriage to Willow, but she admitted that she wasn't ready to take that step with Michael. The mystery Black man bumped into Portia. Portia warned Curtis that she might have had an encounter with T.J.'s missing patient. Gladys recorded a private conversation between Maxie and Brook Lynn about Valentin not being "Bailey's" biological father. Gladys decided to blackmail Brook Lynn by threatening to reveal the explosive secret. Anna returned to Port Charles with Valentin. Gladys paid Valentin a visit. Finn and Violet moved into a new apartment. Violet found a photo of Jeff Webber and Liz, but Liz was tight-lipped about her father.
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November 1 to 5, 2021
Cyrus warned Sonny that Joey Novak had returned to Port Charles to avenge Vincent's death. After a public confrontation with Carly, Joey was beaten, and he landed in the ICU. Sonny neutralized Joey. Liz drew a sketch of the mystery man, based on Portia's description. T.J. confirmed that his missing patient was the mystery man, but Curtis did not recognize the image. Maxie and Brook Lynn plotted against Gladys. Gladys knocked back a few drinks and offered to tell Austin stories about Brook Lynn. Anna and Valentin questioned Victor, but Victor refused to cooperate until he had secured his freedom. Nikolas made Shawn an offer to drop the investigation. Nikolas wondered if Victor had been responsible for Naomi Dreyfus' murder. Spencer disowned his Cassadine family. Alexis was given a pardon. Esme started her job at Spring Ridge, and she made a point to assure Ryan that she would take care of everything. Trina pitched an idea for a show at the gallery. Jason and Britt made their way to Cassadine Island. Liesl managed to escape, but Britt accidentally speared her mother. Peter was able to turn the tables on Jason when it became clear that Drew remained under Peter's control. Olivia got drunk and kissed Robert.
November 8 to 12, 2021
The mystery man interested in Curtis arranged for Linc Brown to save the day at the Savoy when several bands canceled at the last minute. Curtis confronted Linc, but the mystery man stepped out of the shadows. Austin warned Valentin that Gladys had accused Brook Lynn of pulling a scam on Valentin. Chase caught Brook Lynn in a lie about the night "Bailey" had been born. Alexis left Spring Ridge prison. Scott learned that Victor Cassadine was being held by the WSB and offering to provide information about Peter in exchange for immunity. Peter gave Britt an ultimatum, and he made a mistake when he demonstrated his control over Drew in front of Jason and Britt. Scott advised Nina to consider using her legal rights to Wiley to force Sonny and Michael to drop the charges, but she refused. Phyllis agreed to manage Charlie's Pub for Sonny. Nina Wu asked Sonny for help getting Brad Cooper out of jail because her nephew had been struggling. Cam and Josslyn decided to wait until the time was right to lose their virginity to each other. Esme tried to set some boundaries for Trina's friendship with Spencer. Trina prepared for a special night at the Jerome Gallery. Finn pulled out all the stops to make Elizabeth's birthday special. Robert and Olivia talked about their kiss -- and the reasons behind it.
November 15 to 19, 2021
Esme's attempt to ruin Trina's big night backfired. Sasha went into labor, but she experienced a complication and was taken in for an emergency C-section. After a talk with Austin and Gladys, Valentin confronted Brook Lynn about Bailey's paternity. Chase had an enlightening conversation with Bobbie about Maxie. Olivia's frantic search for Leo led to acceptance. Carly and Nina had a heated exchange in the town square when Carly caught Nina spending time with Wiley. Sonny explained to Carly that "Mike" was a part of him, and Nina had been an important part of "Mike's" life for nine months. Phyllis moved into Charlie's Pub and started her job managing the bar. The mystery man introduced himself to Curtis as Marshall Thomas Ashford -- Curtis' father. Scott secured Victor's release from WSB custody, but Victor promptly went back into hiding. Robert and Anna headed to Cassadine Island in their search for Peter. Peter's plans went awry when Jason escaped. Jason was able to successfully deactivate Drew, and the brothers caught up with Peter and his hostages. Britt and Liesl were rescued, but a wounded Peter refused to give up without a fight.
November 22 to 26, 2021
Valentin was crushed to learn that "Bailey" was not his daughter. Chase figured out the truth about "Bailey" and claimed to be the child's father. Maxie warned Chase and Brook Lynn that they would have to continue their charade until Peter was locked up in jail for life. After the tunnel on Cassadine Island collapsed, Robert and Anna took Peter into custody. Drew, Britt, and Liesl survived their ordeal, but there was no sign that Jason had escaped alive. Drew told Anna that another woman had been kept prisoner in Victor's prison, but he did not know the woman's identity. Drew returned to Port Charles. Jax decided to return to Australia. Sasha had an emergency C-section. Brando and Sasha were heartbroken when they learned that their son had been moved to NICU because the newborn had been deprived of oxygen for a period of time. Dante and Sam made plans to spend the holidays together as a couple with the children. Olivia paid Austin a visit to apologize and invite Austin to Thanksgiving dinner. Carly promised Sonny that she would respect his wishes and leave Nina alone. Curtis opened up to Portia about Marshall.
November 29 to December 3, 2021
The Quartermaines were once again denied a turkey dinner on Thanksgiving. Drew had a bittersweet reunion with Monica when he told her that Jason had been caught in the tunnel collapse on Cassadine Island. Monica insisted that Drew move into the Quartermaine mansion. Ned warned Drew that Valentin might have a target on Drew's back because of ELQ's stock. Valentin told Anna that "Bailey" was not his daughter. Mac suspended Chase from the police force for six months because of Chase's altercation with Valentin. After Cyrus called to taunt Sonny, Sonny enlisted Spinelli's help. Sasha and Brando named their son Liam Michael. Sam leaned on Dante when she learned about Jason's fate. Dante and Sam made love. Sam proposed that she and her mother work together as private investigators. Alexis had an eventful Thanksgiving with her extended family. Victor put the Cassadines on notice. Scott and Liesl shared a passionate reunion. Britt and Carly went to a special place to remember and grieve for Jason. Peter was taken to General Hospital for treatment, and he questioned Austin about Louise's birth.
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December 6 to 10, 2021
Chase told Willow that he was "Bailey's" father and that his affair with Brook Lynn had been a one-night stand. Willow was stunned when she overheard a revealing conversation between Sonny and Nina. Willow decided it was in the family's best interest not to say anything to Carly and Michael about Sonny's relationship with Nina. Liesl learned about Nina's legal troubles. Brando and Sasha asked Michael and Willow to be Liam's godparents. Brando and Sasha braced themselves for news about their son. An assassin strangled Martin, but Laura saved the day. With the assassin in custody, Laura realized that she and Martin were free to return home. Selina Wu ordered Britt to keep her distance from Brad. Selina agreed to kill Peter in exchange for Sonny's help with Brad's parole hearing. Maxie confronted Peter and made it clear that they didn't have a future together. Peter ate poisoned food in jail -- served by Brad. Nikolas was surprised when Ava revealed that she knew he had hired a hit man to kill Hayden. Esme continued to undermine Trina under the guise of planning for their upcoming weekend getaway. Spencer opened up to Josslyn about Esme.
December 20 to 24, 2021
Family and friends gathered to celebrate Christmas. Scott learned that Nina and "Mike" had been in love during their time in Nixon Falls. Scott accused Michael and Willow of potential quid pro quo to get Willow on the witness stand. Victor was revealed to have been behind the attempt on Martin's life. Laura stopped off to visit Cyrus on her way back to Port Charles. Cyrus claimed to have found God after a bout with pneumonia, but Laura was skeptical. Sasha was discharged from the hospital. Brando and Sasha declared their love for each other. Victor arranged a plea deal for Spencer, but Spencer had to spend 30 days incarcerated at Spring Ridge for stalking Ava. Esme walked in on Spencer and Trina during a close moment. Chase and Brook Lynn took "Bailey" to visit Maxie on Christmas. Sparks flew between Martin and Lucy when they woke up in bed together. Shawn moved into an apartment, and he announced that he was the new publisher of the Invader. Dante had news for Shawn about a dead hitman.
December 27 to 31, 2021
Willow was called to the witness stand during Nina's preliminary hearing. Under oath, Willow revealed that Sonny and Nina had been in love during their time in Nixon Falls. Sonny was forced to admit that he was not a victim of a crime. The judge dismissed the charges against Nina. Carly told Sonny that she needed time apart from him. A drunk Sonny left Charlie's Pub with Nina on New Year's Eve. Drew ran into Carly on the footbridge. Finn and Liz rang in the New Year together. Marshall learned the circumstances of Tommy's death. Marshall assured Stella that he would never tell Curtis that she had always known that Marshall was alive. Marshall checked in with a mystery person. Curtis and Portia made love. Alexis was advised to consider a career as a professor at Port Charles University. Brook Lynn couldn't stop thinking about Chase. Leo was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. Laura reunited with Spencer. Valentin gave Martin an ultimatum about Lucy.
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